DR-SoftWare, Inc.

More than 35 years on the market

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Version 60.0.7
17.10.2024 - 12:29
(requires Version 57.0)
Download of new program version for existing customers

Current Newsletter

Update 60.0



Online Help Files
For reasons of sustainability and to do our part in helping the environment, we have decided to send update notifications by email only.

If requested, we can of course send you the USB stick by mail; however, please consider possible delays due to limited transport possibilities (for example air transport).

Please note:
DR software and our hotline are of course at your service without any limitations.
If you have any problems or questions, you can contact us, as usually, by email and/or phone anytime.
Our general email address is: info@dr-software.com
Telephone number hotline: (+43) 2628 / 61 900

Brief introduction

Please feel free to download the brief introduction for a quick overview.


UFI and PCN Bulk upload

The automatic creation of UFI-Codes as well as the automatic generation and notification of PCN dossiers via single and bulk upload, are possible with ChemGes, without limitations.

PCN notification

Home office

We would like to point out that, when using ChemGes in your home office, the connection must be established via Remote Access systems (such as Citrix(R), Microsoft RDP(R) or vm:ware(R)), in order to ensure normal handling with acceptable operating speed.

Welcome to the DR Software, Inc website. With more than 1.800 customers in 70 countries, our company is leading in the development of software for the creation and management of Safety Data SheetsInternal Plant Instructions and labels. We provide easy-to-use solutions from single workstations up to worldwide corporate networks.

ChemGes was first published in 1989 and over the years evolved into one of the leading solutions for the global, legally compliant creation of Safety Data Sheets. Our program is used in 70 countries – Europe, North America, South America, Asia and Africa – by the chemical industry, retailers, laboratories, as well as national authorities. ChemGes meets the requirements of global enterprises and small and medium-sized businesses, equally. This comprehensive software product combines transport-, environmental and safety management, the calculation of risks and hazards, and the intelligent and optimised authoring and distribution of Safety Data Sheets according to international standards, such as REACH or GHS (Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals).

To navigate this site, please select the desired categories from the left sidebar menu. Select Contact for requesting additional information and for address and contact information (telephone numbers, email addresses).

Thank you for visiting our Website.

DR Software, Inc.