DR-SoftWare, Inc.

More than 35 years on the market

Classification programs

GHS classification

  • Classification according to the US GHS ("Hazard Communication GHS Final Rule")
  • Classification according to the Canadian GHS ("Hazardous Products Regulation (HPR)")
  • Classification according to the CLP ("EU-GHS", Regulation 1272/2008/EC in the latest valid version)
  • Classification according to the UN GHS ("Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals")
    • GHS hazard symbols
    • GHS labelling including Prevention, Response, Storage and Disposal
    • Hazard symbols for Canada
    • Hazard-determining components of labelling
    • Supplemental hazard statements and Special product phrases
  • Summary of quotients: enables you to check, which and how the individual substances contribute to the quotient totals
  • Output of the quotient totals and the individual quotients per GHS category

  • Country specific classifications
    • VbF (Regulation for the storage of inflammable liquids) for Austria
    • German BetrSichV
    • Seveso III (Directive 2012/18/EU)
    • Water Hazard class for Germany (VwVws) and the Netherlands (ABM)
    • NFPA ratings and HMIS ratings for USA
    • VOC (EU, USA, Switzerland)
    • Danish MAL-Code
    • Biocidal Products Regulation
    • UFI and EuPCS (These can be generated automatically or manually entered)
    • PCN notification
      • automated dossier generation
      • individual dossiers for variants or combined with main substance
      • MiMs (Mixtures in Mixtures)
      • ICGs (Interchangeable component groups)
      • SFs (Standard formulas)
      • Market placement/Languages
      • S₂S / System-to-system service
  • Automatic transfer of the waste disposal keys in all EU languages, as well as in Norwegian, Serbian and Turkish, and of the Swiss waste codes, into SDSs and labels

Transport classifications
  • Calculated proposal for the transport classification based on toxicological and physical values, as well as on hazard statements
  • Automatic creation of declarations for hazardous goods (proper shipping name)
  • Declaration according to UN Model Regulation
  • The automatic derivation from GHS to DPD/DSD, is still included.